Rest and Recuperation:
Why it’s Essential for Van Life
RoamRest understands that rest and recuperation is vital for staying safe and healthy on the road. Quality comfort is key to a good night’s rest and will boost your immune system, reduce stress, and help you think clearly. Since 2010 we have been your sleep solution specialists, helping you recuperate and rest comfortably while sleeping in a van.
Staying Healthy on the Road is Crucial
No one wants to go on vacation when they’re sick. Van life certainly isn’t the permanent vacation many portray it as, but there are a lot of similarities. You’re typically not near your doctor and are continually exposed to new environments. If you’re prone to allergies, welcome to the lifestyle of finding a new allergen in every state you visit. There’s always something to sneeze about, no matter what the season.
Getting enough sleep on the road is one of the best things you can do to stay healthy. The benefits of a restful night are worth making your bed, and the time you spend there, a priority.
Sleeping in a van can be just as comfortable and rejuvenating as your regular bed. And you need it to be. Whether you’re on long trips from home base or traveling full-time, your choice to travel in a recreational vehicle doesn’t have to compromise your health.
An Average Day Living Van Life
Social media has given van life a glamorized and idealistic expectation. Photos of lazy mornings making pour-over coffee overlooking vast landscapes are the quintessential “van life vibes.” The lifestyle is portrayed to be relaxing and rejuvenating. Sometimes, the lazy mornings sipping coffee in your camp chair are 100% accurate. But it takes work to get there. Long days of driving, planning routes, backtracking when roads aren’t passable, and trying to remember all of your errands when you’re in town.
The reality is that there is no actual average day living van life. Sometimes things go as planned, and sometimes your plans are turned upside down. There are days when you are awestruck by a scenic drive and days when you spend hours digging yourself out of the mud. These are some of van life’s many appeals: having adventures, striving through adversity, and learning new things every day. But it shouldn’t be at the expense of your health.
Exploring is Exhausting
Have you ever heard someone (maybe even yourself) say, “I need a vacation from my vacation!”?
Let’s face it. Exploring new places and having any type of adventure is exhausting. Worth it but exhausting. It’s easy to burn out quickly when your brain is being stimulated with new things. Without proper rest and recuperation time in-between adventures, plans can quickly crumble, and your body and mind will simply quit on you.
Having a good night’s rest when sleeping in a van will differentiate between good days and bad days. RoamRest wants every day to be a good day, starting with a well-rested adventurer.
Stay Alert on Windy Roads and Late Nights
All adventures aside, the most crucial aspect of van life is being alert while driving. There are times when you get to park in one place for as long as your water lasts. But sometimes, you’re driving back-to-back days for hours on end. Getting in the driver’s seat without having a prior good night’s sleep can be outright dangerous.
Drives along windy roads in inclement weather require the utmost focus. Scenic drives are beyond rewarding but typically take two or three times longer to travel than a regular highway. Speed limits are lower, and of course, you will be stopping at every scenic overlook possible to soak in views.
Sometimes plans don’t work out, and the drive is longer than anticipated, making you arrive at your final destination well after dark. After a long day of driving, all you want to do is roll into your comfortable bed for a restful night’s sleep.
Plan Ahead for a Restful Night’s Sleep
Having a plan for the night is a great way to eliminate stress before winding down for the evening. If you’ve had a long day and don’t have time to scout out a quality camp spot, trying to hunt for one late or in the dark s not fun.
If you have a general idea of where you’re planning to be, utilizing a Harvest Host membership is a great way to ensure you have a safe place to park for a night. Knowing that you have somewhere with a guaranteed spot perfect for your campervan takes a huge stress off your shoulders and helps ensure you can show up, relax, and rest up for the next day’s adventures.
Harvest Host locations are nationwide and include wineries, breweries, distilleries, farms, attractions, and golf courses. You pay an annual membership fee and are allowed to stay at these business locations for free, with an advanced reservation. Reservations can often be made the same day if it’s a location with a large parking area. Hosts ask that you spend $20 while visiting to support their business. That’s quite the steal for a prime camp spot if you ask us!
Harvest Host recently merged with Boondockers Welcome, a massive network of homeowners who allow people to camp on their property. Hosts are often in towns, so this makes an excellent option for days when you have to run errands and don’t want to stress about finding a safe place to park for the night. Nestled safely in a city’s suburban neighborhood beats a Cracker Barrel parking lot any night!
Wrapping Up: You Can Have a Great Night’s Rest When Sleeping in a Van
Research shows that quality sleep can support your health. Here at RoamRest, we’ve made your rest and health our priority since 2010. We provide you with ultimate comfort and durability in our quality hand-crafted mattresses designed specifically for van life and the adventure enthusiast.
We have spent years of rigorous research and development utilizing pressure mapping technology to provide the perfect mattress for sleeping in a van. Our advanced high-performance, low-profile foam formula provides a supportive yet comfortable good night’s rest, entirely customizable for any van build.
See how RoamRest can help keep you well-rested on the road, and contact us today with any questions.
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